隔壁老王vp n
隔壁老王vp n
EFS engineering solutionsWe always work closely with our customers in projects related to bolted joints. Our collaboration increases the value proposition of their products, machines or installations. Optimized Tightening, Maintenance Strategies, Fatigue, design to cost, severe thermal conditions, leaking-tightness and Failure analysis.
More about fastening solutions隔壁老王vp n
Real Tightening Load MeasureErreka is currently producing in its facilities the i-bolt®, working with all types of bolting parts. i-Bolt® technology provides direct measurement of load instead of torque in fasteners during assembly. Load inspections are possible for monitoring throughout the life of the bolted joint.
More about i-bolt®隔壁老王vp n
隔壁老王vp n
隔壁老王vp n
EFS will redesign the bolted joint to permit a gain in the total life cycle costs. Earnings in the cost of bolting products, in the cost of the parts of the environment such as flanges or rings, in the cost of tightening and in the exploitation costs, such as maintenance, failures and loss of profit.
What are the common problems you have in relation with bolting joints? Analyzing your needs we propose solving them in the best way, either in design, simulation, bench validation, serial production or in after sales; in the load monitoring and installations maintenance.
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With EFS product you don’t take risks, because a failure in bolted joints can cause damages in the rest of the equipment, shutting down the installation and probable leakage of precious or dangerous fluids.